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Hospice Education - Volunteer Coordinators

Hospice Volunteer Coordinator / Manager Training

Taught by leading industry experts, this training is appropriate for hospice volunteer coordinators. Many volunteer coordinators often have received little training specific to their jobs. A TNMHPO Volunteer Coordinator Advisory Group was formed to dialogue with hospice volunteer coordinators/managers, conduct surveys, and to research the needs for improving volunteer programming. In response to the identified needs and concerns, we are pleased to provide you with Texas New Mexico Hospice & Palliative Care Organization’s special Hospice Volunteer Coordinator Training. These specialized topics will focus on the needs particular to Hospice volunteer coordinators/managers and the challenges of the job.

  • Insights from Systems Theory to Support Healthy Communication for Teams
  • Rules and Regulations for Volunteer Coordinators and Volunteers
  • How to Recruit, Retain and Market to Volunteers
  • Training of Volunteers: Resources, Scheduling and How-Tos
  • Volunteer Coordinator Rules and Regulations from the Regulators


Become a TNMHPO member to pay $50. Plus, consider adding an education subscription for flat-rate access to most courses.

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Education Subscription

The TNMHPO Education Subscription is for agencies who wish to provide on-demand education for the entire staff. This subscription is an add-on to a TNMHPO membership and can’t be purchased separately.

A TNMHPO Membership Plus Education Subscription gives members of the Texas New Mexico Hospice & Palliative Care Organization unlimited access to all archived online education for the entire year.  You can provide training to your current staff and utilize these educational opportunities for new employee orientation.  There are courses for every discipline on your hospice team and continuing education units and proof of attendance for Administrators, Nurses, Social Workers, and LPCs.

  • Over 100 recorded online training courses for all hospice disciplines
  • Eligible for Continuing Education Units
  • Customized certificates for CEUs
  • Available on-demand, on your schedule

The TNMHPO Education Subscription is 10% of your annual membership dues plus $650.  

When purchasing your membership, select the “Education Subscription” option in the drop down on the membership product page. 

Already a member? Contact our team directly to upgrade your membership.

For questions regarding our education subscription or its offerings, contact our Director of Operations, Keith Parker, at 512-956-0875 (voice and text) or email at kparker@txnmhospice.org.